Welcome to IMGING CLASSIC. Through this training, you will learn how to navigate through IMGING while utilizing a Mavic 2 Pro, Enterprise, Zoom, or a Phantom 4 V. 2.
Setup and Flight Planning
If you are flying using a DJI:
- Mavic 2 Pro
- Mavic 2 Zoom
- Mavic 2 Enterprise
- Phantom 4 V2
Then the below flight plans are for you.
Detailed Scan
Detailed Scan: for pilots leveraging fully automated flight, this is your flight plan. This flight plan was designed to be fully autonomous with the option to take over manually when needed or if additional photos need to be taken.
From individuals that are learning how to fly, to some of our most experience pilots, this is a great plan for consistent photo capturing while also gaining the power of our A.I. that is ran on the “detailed checks” or manual photos taken.
Model Only Scan
Model Scan: Also known as “Roof Scan”, is for pilots that like the best of both worlds [flight autonomy + manual photos] this is your flight.
Our Model scan was created for pilots that like the consistent photo capturing on the front half of the flight, while also gaining the independence of capturing manually. All photos taken while flying manually, are ran through our A.I.
Manual Flight
Manual Flight: Pilots that have mastered the craft of consistent photo capturing or for those that like the simplicity of manual control, we’ve got you covered.
Our Manual flight is just what it sounds. You fly manually taking the photos needed; applicable photos are then ran through our A.I.
Horizon Scan
Solar Horizon: For pilots serving the solar industry that need need a 360 view, this is your flight.
During this flight, not only is it fully automated, but it will also collect the essential photos needed at two points for your horizon reporting.
Creating Flight Pans Without Mapping Imagery or On-the-Fly Property Perimeters
On-the-Fly Property Perimeters
Have you ever run into this issue: You add an address to find there isn’t a physical satellite structure in the photo? IMGING now provides tools to create a perimeter when you can’t see a structure in the property photo.
Here’s how it works.
Once you get on site, grab your mobile device, and jump into IMGING’s job creation steps. On the Perimeter page, you will now see your location (the blue dot shown in the video) in relationship to the property and structure.
Start on any corner of the structure. You’ll tap out the perimeter the same way you would if there was a structure in the photo: by tapping on the screen. You can see the first corner getting tapped out in relationship to the pilot’s location in video.
Continue this process around the structure: walk around the structure and tap the screen as you go to create the perimeter. As the video progresses, it shows what to expect as you walk around the structure. Notice how the pilot—the blue dot—is creating the perimeter.
After you’ve created the perimeter, you’ll approve and move through the job creation process as you currently do.
Understanding The Heads Up Display (HUD)
This video helps you understand your heads up display, or what you see while flying IMGING.
Launching and Landing
In this video, you will learn how to safely launch and land your drone with IMGING Classic.
Uploading Data
Once all of your in flight photos have been transferred from your drone to your device, you are ready to upload your photos to our servers. This allows for AI damage detection, model and measurement creation, reporting, and integrations or other API data transfers.
Offline Flight Planning
1. Create Your Job(s) While Still Connected to the Internet
- Jobs/tasks can be created on the web or mobile from anywhere with an internet connection
- Make sure all tasks that you want to use for a specific job are ready to fly (e.g. safe heights are set correctly, obstacles are marked, etc.)
- Login to IMGING on the mobile device that you will be using to fly and navigate to the ‘Incomplete’ jobs page
- Download the job on the mobile app by sliding the toggle for each job:
- If you have already downloaded the job but you want to make changes, make sure to do so before losing internet access so that your latest updates are saved (NOTE: changes must be made on the mobile device you will use to fly the job)
2. Check if the Job Location is Inside a DJI Geo Zone
- Unlock DJI Geo Zones using DJI’s online custom unlocking
- The online unlocking process works great, and allows you to fly in a DJI Geo Zone without having to unlock onsite
- This step is necessary if you plan to fly in a zone where you don’t have access to the internet
- Once you get an unlock license from DJI, you must sync the unlocking license to your drone:
- Turn on your drone and connect your iOS device, then open DJI Go 4
- Once in the camera (HUD) view, tap on the ‘3 dot menu’ at the top right of the screen
- Then, tap on the ‘3 dot menu’ at the bottom left of the side bar
- Tap on “Unlocking License”
- Tap on “Sync”
- Then, tap on “Import to Aircraft”
3. Check if You Need LAANC Approval
- Get the required approval before you plan to be onsite, and while you are still connected to the internet
- You’ll need to get approval through a 3rd party app (e.g. Airmap, Aloft) if authorization is needed
- Make sure to save a record of the approval number in case you are asked by an authority while onsite
4. Once You Are Onsite
- All the jobs that you have downloaded will work as if you had internet connection (NOTE: Keep in mind you cannot edit tasks)
- You will be able to fly the task(s) like you normally would
- Complete your inspection list (if applicable)
5. Performing Flights While Offline
- By this point, you should have created your jobs/tasks and downloaded them on the IMGNG mobile app
- Navigate to the job and task you would like to fly
- Turn on your drone and connect it to your iOS device
- Tap on “Pre-flight” at the top right, or “Run Pre-Flight Checks” at the bottom of the task view
- You will notice that you will need to manually approve these fields:
- DJI Geo Zones – if you are in an area with spotty internet connection, you may still be might be prompted to unlock; you can put your iOS device in ‘Airplane Mode’ to avoid this issue
- LAANC Authorization
- Homeowner Authorization – you will need to manually approve this section (even if you have already signed)
- Launch and perform your scan
- When the drone lands, you will be taken to a ‘Spotty Connection’ screen where you will see your transfer progress
- You want to allow your photo transfer to finish before leaving this screen
- Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but it is the easiest way to know that your photos are safely transferred to the IMGING app
- Tap “Do it Later” to be taken to the ‘Incomplete’ page
- Once your scan is complete, you will be taken back to the incomplete jobs list, where you are able to move on to another downloaded task
6. Syncing Jobs with IMGING Servers
- Once you are reconnected to the internet, there are two ways to sync your jobs with the IMGING servers (in order to mark them “Complete”)
- You can tap the “Sync” button at the top of the ‘Incomplete’ jobs page; this will sync all jobs with the IMGING servers and move the incomplete job to the ‘Complete’ jobs page
- You can open any of your completed jobs individually; this will trigger the IMGING app to send your data to the IMGING servers
7. Things to be Aware of While Working Offline
- There are two places to see your transfer progress after flying a scan
- On the “Spotty Connection” page when you land
- Inside the appropriate task details page
- You cannot add a ‘Job Site’ photo while in Offline Mode; you must save your desired job site photo to the ‘Other’ category and add it later
- You cannot edit job or task details when you are offline
- Deleting a photo in the inspect list gives you an error and appears to not delete the photo, but once you get back online and sync your job the photos you deleted will be removed
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