
Training Library

This is the home for all of your IMGING training information. Select the product you have below to get started.

Training Options


Learn your way-on-demand, live online, or with direct support from our success team. Pick the method that works best for you.

Online Training: Select your product below and get started. Simple.

Virtual Classroom: Join our live virtual trainings every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8 AM MST (excluding holidays). To get an invite, email your account executive or

Select Your IMGING Product to Access Training Materials


Please download the app IMGING from the iOS app store.


Please download the app IMGING from the iOS app store.


Please download the app IMGING from the iOS app store.

On your RC Pro please navigate to to download IMGING Flight.

Please download the app IMGNG INSPECT on your iPhone the iOS app store. *Please note IMGING INSPECT application is not compatible for iPads.*

All companies have access to IMGING web through a unique, (example: We recommend using Google Chrome.

For IMGING classic, you will need IMGING from the iOS app store and a compatible Mavic 2 drone.

Have more questions? Book a 1:1 time with your industry success expert: 

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